“The thing is …”

          This is not just a blog about the Goonies and fans. It’s also about promoting a movie script I wrote.  Not a ruinous remake, upgrade, or whatever, but a movie about five Goonie fans, ages seven to fourteen, off on an adventure of their own, in search of an important lost document (and possibly, a treasure) who encounter a gang of off-beat desperadoes, defeat them, and return home with the document, the treasure and the crooks who they captured with the aid of an immense Clydesdale horse .  It’s a kids’ movie – through and through – but meaty enough for adults to also enjoy.



          Well, Goonie fans, I have written just such a movie, got good response for it from several prestigious contests, and am hereby offering it up for a yea or nay vote to Goonie fans. If I can get enough positive interest from them I may be able to interest a production company . . , and who knows where it might go from there … possibly to become a complementary  addendum to the original.  

          What is my back-story to all this?  I have one, and here it is below, as reported in The Astorian, July 19, 2019.  Believe it or not, as Goonie fans, it is a relevant footnote to the film.